Thursday, September 20, 2012


                        It's an other BIG company..'big' coz of the pay - 14Lacs per annum. Thats seriously huge right!! Lets see what all turns and twists it gave us. This was open to all the branches of BE,ME,M.Tech everything. They needed 8.0 gpa.It was notified to be perfect on data structures, computer organization, operating systems concepts, database concepts, languages etc., It was a one day process. We had a written test followed by interviews on the same day.

                       Written test was a 40 min test. The twist we had is that we had negative marking. Test had two parts, aptitude and technical. Aptitude consisted of super high level questions which could easily take 2mins or more to solve each one but we were provided with only one minute each. It was seriously tough. Then after twenty minutes technical test started, it consisted of programming languages,operating systems,database concepts, what not..everything was on the paper..again 20 min and 20 questions.Even this was tough.Everyone except for CAT and GRE trained students, were like its all over..chalo lite..but i bet each one was waiting to test their luck. by 1pm in the afternoon we had the results out.

                       15 people out of all were selected.We were shocked to be selected. Then immediately they called us for interviews. First we had a HR round which was just a 5min one where normal questions to test our behavior were posed. It went off well for every one. Then we had technical interview, it was same as all the other interviews experienced till now. Questions from all subjects were asked and importance was given to data structures, mini project and all..there were all kinds of tricky puzzles asked and etc., Each one was interviewed for 30-45 min and hence we had to wait for a long time to get every one done.

                       Then for results we had to wait for another hour or the time we were tired of waiting one of them came and asked us one of my classmates(Meghana) to come for the second round, again all of us started getting tensed and nervous..then after another 45 min she was done with her interview and then they called on another girl from my class again(Praneetha). Then immediately all the rest of us were told that we were was little disheartening..but still we waited for the result of the other two friends..after praneetha was interviewed, they called every one of us and slowly told the great news that none of us were selected. They also suggested us to choose a subject and go into depth in that subject, know all the features of it and real time applications which were seriously important. Thus a day with lots of waiting, lots of hopes.. ended up with a simple warm suggestion. :)

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